Superflex®: A Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum

Superflex®: A Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum  – More info to come!

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Interactive Metronome®

Children’s Therapy Associates, Inc. has offered the Interactive Metronome® since 2000 (IM). Studies have found that training with the IM favored enhanced learning, attention, motor planning, rhythmicity, and coordination.

The IM programming typically consists of 10-15 minutes sessions, depending upon individual client needs and goals. A recommended minimum scheduling of 10 to 15 sessions. Sessions may last 45 minutes to 1 hour each. Participants are provided with full therapeutic support throughout their sessions.

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Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the function of the craniosacral system (the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord). Restrictions in the craniosacral system prevent the rhythmical flow of cerebrospinal fluid, which may compromise functions in the central nervous system. This dysfunction can manifest itself in poor health, behaviors, and attention. At CTA, Craniosacral Therapy can be used within the context of an OT session or as a separate modality.

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MPS Therapy-Microcurrent Point Stimulation

MPS therapy is the world’s first integrative therapy developed exclusively to eliminate pain. MPS therapy is based on biologically sound EBM, firmly grounded in the concepts of  acupuncture, modern neurology, micro-current stimulation, structural realignment and myofacial release(muscular relaxation) techniques. Integrating these approaches.

MPS applies non-invasive concentrated micro-stimulation (CMS) to above stages in order to isolate nerve impingement sites and myofacial restrictions & joint articulations responsible for a patient’s condition. MPS can produce superior results over traditional pain therapy techniques in a fraction of the time. Please inquire fi you feel this is something which is right for your child.

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Therapeutic Listening™/Bone Conduction Assessment & Home Program

Therapeutic Listening™ is a form of auditory integration, which stimulates brain processing. Using headphones, a child can listen to specially filtered music tailored to their needs. A Therapeutic Listening™ assessment may include standardized and non-standardized evaluations. Specific CD’s are recommended and detailed information is provided on home programming with Therapeutic Listening™. Music delivered by a specialized Bone Conduction unit, may also be utilized in the clinic. A brief report can be written with this service.

After a Therapeutic Listening™ Home Program is begun, there may be an initial 2-3 week follow-up appointment and follow-up appointments every few weeks to monitor progress. Follow-up contacts are determined on a case-by-case basis. Phone consultation is also available as needed.

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